RF Circuit Designer's Notes

Little nuggets of RF/analog circuit theory and design. Learn with me about PLLs, Q, noise, oscillators, filters, digital receiver concepts, etc.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

sampling delay contribution to PLL phase margin

Sampling Delay becomes significant when the sampling frequency approaches the loop bandwidth.

Sampling delay (secs) = 1/Fpfd

The phase shift at open loop zero crossing frequency (~equal to closed loop bw, Fbw):

One period at Fbw = 1/Fbw = Tbw goes through a 360 degree phase shift.

sampling delay/Tbw = phase shift /360 degrees

phase shift = 360*td/Tbw = 360 * Fbw/Fpfd

The above relations hold true for ideal, impulse sampling.

In practice there is a hold circuit following the sampler, so that the delay is 0.5*Tsample. This results in a phase lag of 180*Fbw/Fpfd

Input related spurs

Spurs on the LO at Foffset will manifest as a spur when the input signal frequency is offset by an equal amount.

Foffset = 200 khz on LO1
Fcenter =1G, FLO1=5G (4GHz 1st IF)
Fspan = 10 MHz

Input signal = 999.8 MHz fed to spectrum analyzer
Display shows response at 999.8 MHz and 1000 MHz (due to lo spur)

If the RBW > 200kHz, would the power contributed by the LO spur affect the amplitude accuracy measurement of the main signal?
The detector determines power for a single point by looking at the power of IF spectrum limited by the RBW. Each display pixel is a bin consisting of several measurement points.