RF Circuit Designer's Notes

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Web blogs in technical communication

Today I read an short article about the utility of blogs in technical communications. I've pasted the article here and the URL of the source. My comments are in blue text.


Weblogs: Fad, or Future?

Weblogs—or blogs, as the online, Web-based journals are called for short—constitute a true online phenomenon. But what, if anything, do they portend for the future of technical communication?

The Weblog universe, or blogosphere, is exploding. Weblog search service Technorati, for example, now tracks almost 4 million blogs, up from 100,000 just two years ago. But what does this explosive growth mean for the future of technical communication? Can the blogosphere become a valuable conduit for professional test tips and techniques, for instance, or will it remain the domain of amateurs having strong opinions but little useful knowledge?

What information would you like to see a blog provide?

What's your opinion? Have you found any blogs that are helpful in your work? Send your replies—and blog URLs—to rnelson@tmworld.com.

I'm a beginner in blogging and I have not found any technical blogs that taught me something useful in my field (RF/microwave design). My impression of several blogs that claim to be technical were really opinion pieces about technology and those blogs said little about the design process, practical tips, and theory. I created my blog as a way to keep track of little nuggets of knowledge that I have accumulated through experience and studying. If someone else finds my blog edifying, I would be glad.


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